Lab Planning: What We Are Working On This Week #2

Last weeks attempt at working out loud was well received so we've decided to keep it as a regular feature. 

Here's our Top Five Priorities this week:

Is innovation an optional extra or should EVERY SINGLE CHANGE THAT BROMFORD CONSIDERS be mandated to come through a Lab Pipeline? We think you know the answer to that , but achieving the right balance between autonomy and control is harder than you might think. So this week we are working with our Change colleagues to make sure we have a joined up approach that the whole organisation can buy into. 

How do we prioritise ideas for innovation? Potential ROI? Size of the problem? We've come up with a working criteria which we'll publish on Wednesday. 

How does digital transformation build trust? We already published our design principles but we've added a ninth one.  Sneaky peak here - but watch out for a new Katie designed set shortly.

How can we develop a more meaningful set of customer personas? We did some work on this a couple of years ago but - being honest - they developed into dreadful stereotypes. Simon has a plan to rescue us and we'll post more on that next week. We really like the designs of Well Told Story in Africa, watch this space...

Wolverhampton is officially NOT the centre of the universe. With our new Lab Designer, Michelle joining us at the beginning of August , we are extending our coverage to the South of the Bromford empire. What could that look like to customers and colleagues based across Cheltenham and the Cotswolds? We are planning for the opportunities of being a more distributed Lab. 

That's us - see you next week!