Squad Catalogue - Autumn/Winter '15

I know what you’re thinking – ‘How will solving fuel poverty keep you beautiful superheroes busy enough over the next 12 weeks?’ But don’t worry about it – we’ve thought of everything, naturally.

We’re happy to announce the squad working programme for this winter season. The lab will play a supporting role in accelerating these concepts – whether it’s formulating test plans so the success/failure of new concepts can be evaluated or helping squaddies link with external partners or agencies. In general we’d like to be spending around 20% of our time providing this sort of help, with progress being driven principally by the respective squad leads. Our insight team (formerly strategic research) are also on hand to support these areas, particularly those requiring research pieces.

The poster below (thanks to @Vicky_Green1) documents exactly what challenges are being presented to the squads. Initial kick-off meetings are scheduled to prioritize what to tackle first. We’ll update you all as and when we get this info. You'll also be able to keep track as these ideas progress on our new, bespoke Trello board!

So – what do you think? These areas have been assembled by business leaders, but do you think they add value to customers or colleagues? Do they echo your own interests?

If you’ve got any ideas or comments please get in touch @BromfordLab or through the website (or local campaign blog if you’ve got one!)

For now, stay adequately heated - it's getting cold outside!
